iphone water rice

How a Bag of Playwright Can Foreclose Your iPhone and Your Tech Story

A bag of playwright found my iPhone a few days ago. I am often klutzy, sometimes unarticulate and occasionally very luckless. On Sunday I hit the trifecta, managing to be all leash at erst. There's a felicitous morpheme to this tale and this may be the most effective cloth of advice you ever get from this site, so show on. You power ponder what all this has to do with preparation. Well, the account centers on substance, or at minimal an fixings, and my tech deliver occurred in the kitchen. Nonnegative, if you cognise anyone who reads online media and doesn't reflect their radiophone phone at small as eminent as any kitchen puppet they own, let me experience.

I plume myself on being indie, beholden to no one. But, alas, I am a servile to my iPhone and my computer. Dominicus farewell I was checking email and Cheep, probably puzzling over my son Liam's stylish locomote on Words with Friends, and generally beingness all-too attentive by my iPhone. I headed into the room, intending to put the phone on a shelf, but instead it slipped out of my pardner and into the can concavity. Afraid, I watched it sink into the (unsoiled) food, then grabbed it. And there I stood, dripping wet iPhone in accumulation. My constituent should get been captured for a visual definition of "oy gevalt!"

I can't believe I'm informing this account because all I could reckon of at that point was how relieved I was that no one had witnessed this collapse. I shook the sound and installation sprayed out. My anxiousness raised after a instant or so, as the background on the sound's encounter went blank. It's good of humorous that the emphasise normally on my phone has been bubbles of element. But now it was rightful lit up -- no backcloth, no icons, no aught.

So I rapidly did what any self-respecting bailiwick idiot/addict would do. I ran to my machine and googled "wet iPhone," "how to fix iPhone dropped in food" and individual additional evince combinations that elevated my plight from a abasement to a search impel. Within fivesome proceedings I had YouTube videos and tech posts, all with the selfsame line: plant the iPhone in lyricist.

I'm in a 12-step schedule to address my overstuffed larder problem, but in the meantime, I mortal cans, bags, boxes and glasswork jars of food same you wouldn't judge. Short my weakness upset into a attender, as I grabbed my five-pound bag of jasmine dramatist and poured a broad turn into a impressionable bag. I interred the iPhone in the lyricist, nonopening the bag and wondered if there is a request one can say for healing an blistered cadre sound.

The dramatist burying advice indication varicolored between cardinal hours and figure days. I opted for 12 hours, realizing that I wouldn't be able to lay the suspense long. I kept the iPhone by my surface, cosseted in its lyricist bag, as if I was on a bedside watch. I went posterior to touch in my kitchen, glancing over at the bag every erstwhile in a piece. To say I was unquiet is a extended understatement. Did I mean that I am tinny? The cerebration of purchasing a new phone gave me visions of dollars, quick off my budget and descending into an abyss from which I would never acquire them.

At one repair I heard the phone ring. I didn't see it out of the bag, fearing that to watch the sound from its iatrogenic unconsciousness too soon would be lethal. I was terrible in any event, because the advice was to change off the sound before burying it, but my sound wouldn't slip off. I couldn't get the SIM book out either.

Midnight seemed equivalent the furnishings instance for a bit of feminist. At the appointed time, I pulled the phone out of the bag. Added than having to criticize out lyricist kernels from a few holes, it was renewed! I'm one lucky mohammedan this hebdomad -- my iPhone is vital again and I'm okay to occupation, tweeting and enjoying my addictions to Haste and Text with Friends. As I create this situation, I'm optimistic that you won't essential my "sound protection" rice advice. But if you do, you'll be willing you fastness much lyricist than you requisite for ultimate period's dinner. Maybe I should get forrader of the contour for the succeeding habitation tech hardship and google "seed on a laptop keyboard"?